Home Care Services: Around 70 percent of people who’ve suffered an ischemic stroke have high blood pressure readings.
Typically, systolic reading stays high for a full day before the blood pressure returns to the normal baseline readings. Blood pressure management is essential if additional strokes are to be prevented. After your mom’s stroke, a lot is going to change as she recovers. Her recovery will depend on the damage caused during the stroke. Home care services can be a great help with this.
One thing is clear, blood pressure management is important. Learn more about the importance of regular blood pressure screenings and things your mom will need to do to manage his blood pressure now.

The Stages of Her Recovery
As soon as your mom has the stroke, she’s probably given medication through an IV that breaks up the blood clot. Larger clots need to be removed. A mechanical thrombectomy is used to go into an artery using a stent that grabs the clot for removal. Once the blockage is removed, blood flow is restored. Typically, a stroke damages the left or right side of the body. Your mom’s doctors will recommend a therapy program that targets recovery specific to the damage the stroke caused. Physical, occupational, and speech therapies are part of the recovery program. You can arrange those therapy sessions at home with home care services.
Your mom will likely take blood thinners for the rest of his life. He’s also going to need to work on maintaining healthy blood pressure. That’s where the nurses will help.
The Steps of Blood Pressure Management
Your mom needs to keep an accurate tracking of her blood pressure. Home instruments like a digital blood pressure cuff can help, but they’re not always the most precise option. Hiring a home health care nurse to take regular readings is the most accurate way to track his blood pressure in a comfortable, stress-free setting.
She may need to work with a dietitian to prepare meals and snacks that help with blood pressure management. She wants to limit her salt intake and choose foods that are low in saturated fat. Balancing her sodium intake, avoiding saturated fats, and getting enough nutrients that benefit the arteries takes careful planning.
Following your mom’s stroke, you need to sit down as a family and discuss the next steps. One of those discussions has to include home care services. Your mom will have a lot going on in terms of care, and some of it will be challenging for the family. You need to bring in nurses to help out. Call a home health care agency to make the arrangements as soon as possible.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering Home Care Services in Southfield, MI, please contact the caring staff at Crystal Home Health Care today. 313-493-4900