Discuss what you’ve observed and ask your loved one what they think is going on.
If your loved one acknowledges the situation, ask what you can do to help and what they think would be viable solutions. If a senior does not recognize the problem or shrugs it off, use concrete examples to support your concerns.

Seniors will often go to great lengths to maintain their independence.
Instead of focusing on how your loved one needs the extra help at home, emphasize that home care would actually be beneficial for you, too. Focus on the shared advantages of having an “extra pair of hands” available on a part-time basis.
Remember that you are having a conversation with an adult, not talking to a child. Put yourself in their shoes and think of how you would want to be addressed in this situation. The patronizing speech will only put older adults on the defensive and convey disrespect.
Perhaps it would help to defer to an authority on this matter.
Speak with your loved one’s primary care doctor about what you have observed. A physician who understands and shares your concerns will reinforce that accepting help at home is a crucial part of safely aging in place. Other sources of support in this decision might include a hospital social worker, a geriatric care manager (also known as an aging life care professional), a respected friend or an Area Agency on Aging community representative. These individuals can serve as a neutral third party and more effectively present the benefits of hiring a home care aide.
If you are looking for a caregiver for your loved one, that will care for them as loving and compassionately as you would, call us at 313-493-4900 ext. 239 or email us for more info at asnpcs@crystalhhc.com