Home Care Services: Unfortunately, many senior citizens will have a loss of appetite at some point.
Some elderly people only have this randomly and it doesn’t last long. However, there are other elderly people who experience loss of appetite on a regular basis. If that is the case for your elderly loved one, it is important to know how to help them. Home Care Services can be an option.

Find Out What is Causing Loss of Appetite
There are so many things that can cause loss of appetite for elderly people. Some of the causes might be:
- Medication side effects
- Illness or disease
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Oral health issues
These are just some things that might cause your elderly loved one to lose their appetite. If you can’t find the cause of your elderly loved one’s loss of appetite, it might be a good idea to get them personal care at home. The home care providers can be with your elderly loved one more throughout the day and night. They might be able to get a better understanding of what is going on if they can be with your elderly loved one more often. If not, you or the senior care provider should get your elderly loved one to the doctor’s office for an assessment.
Encouraging Snacking
Does your elderly loved one have a loss of appetite? If so, they might benefit from having light snacks throughout the day. These should be healthy snacks such as:
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Yogurt
- Crackers and nuts
By encouraging healthy snacking throughout the day, your elderly loved one won’t get too hungry. They will also be getting the vitamins and minerals they need. It is important to note that snacking should not replace all your elderly loved one’s meals. If they are unwilling or unable to eat a regular meal, make sure you or an elderly care provider take them to the doctor to see what is going on.
Making Power Meals
Does your elderly loved one not eat much or often due to a loss of appetite? If so, it is important that they eat power meals when they do eat. These are meals that are filled with:
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Antioxidants
- Nutrients
If your elderly loved one eats at least some of these meals, they might be able to keep their vitamin and nutrient levels where they need to be. If you can’t make these meals, don’t hesitate to get personal care at home services. The senior care providers can help prepare these.
Home Care Services: Conclusion
Does your elderly loved one have a loss of appetite? If so, it is important to find out what is causing this issue. Once you do that, you might be able to help your loved one get their appetite back. In the meantime, you should also encourage your elderly loved ones to eat healthy snacks and power meals. These will help keep their nutrient and vitamin levels where they should be. Check into home care services if you should need help with this.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering Home Care Services in Detroit, MI, please contact the caring staff at Crystal Home Health Care today. 313-493-4900